gonna go back to this birthday post (:
have been so busy >.<
and now finally on holiday! <3
oh yeah i'm currently at SANDAKAN ((:
guess my blog will be alive again in this period :D
will try to do as many post as i can
for what i've left out >.<
back to the post (:
a night before my birthday was like usual
facebook, online...
and suddenly my roommate asked me to changed my clothes and go out
she told me that we are going to darling's house
and i know they gonna celebrate my birthday for me
yup i know i'm so not romantic :D
then my 1st responds was why i celebrate my birthday at darling's house
wouldn't that weird?
then they just answered me:
"aiya...don't care so much la..ask you go then go la.."
"hmmmm it is my birthday what"
that is what in my mind hehe ((:
then i changed my clothes
and walk walk walk
to the parking slot
i saw a lots of candle behind a bus!
and when i reached
i saw darlings with cake and kel with flowers :D
it did surprised me!! <3
they are just so sweet isn't it? ((:
*the following photo tell everything* :D
can you see that i'm happy? :D
its time for presents! <3
roommate bought me a lot presents too! ((:
this is from darlings ((:
they knew i'm in love with Zara
so they got me SHARP RED pants from there :D
and a white singlet from Seed
thanks you darlings!
and here comes the next day (:
i was walked and shopped around at pavillion with the bf at 1st
then comes to the celebration at night
and i chose Sushi Zanmai as dinner
at the birthday night ((:
and when everyone is fulled
a durian cake from secret recipe came with birthday song :D
thanks to the bf for the cake <3
he knew that i'm insane with durian! hehe :D
time for making wishes again
*wink wink*
this time i used quite some time to think for the wishes ((:
and i think i'm super satisfy :D
say cheeeeeeese! ^^
the HUGE durian cake scares bestie and roommate
because their stomach had already full with sushi! :D
then time for snapping GIRLS!
and finally
i'll end this post with this warm little notes from darling's present :D
thank you everyone!
it's a not really simple but awesome birthday! :D
love it and love u guys!
big big hugs! <3