life is bliss (:

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Monday, November 7, 2011

feelings hour

i'm right in front of my laptop
facebook,blogging,and listening "love you you" non stop

just have watched the taiwan movie
"Love You You"
now i'm madly in love with the song ((:
the movie was nice as well
it is a super romantic movie
with lovely scene,lovely people and also touching story <3
i hope love story like this really exist
even not on me
but at least i know there is hope (:
lots of things happened today
people around me
and also this movie i've just watched
it make me feel hope again
and the most important - appreciate
appreciate what everything i've got
especially people ((:
thank you for stay by my side
friends,family, and love

for those who concerned about my last post
me and him is fine right now ((:
i guess (:
still a big thank you for the texts,dropping me advice
and listening to me ((:
really need all those
(yea,i'm a little greedy.hehe)

this is what i've been listening all night :D

that is all for the feelings hour tonight ((:
exactly an hour (:
good night!

xoxo ying ying

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