life is bliss (:

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

simply shopping day

 just done one midterm test today morning
its totally exhausted caused i've only slept 4 hours >.<
one last subject next week!
then i'll be free until my final ((:

busy about shopping recently because end year is in the corner (:
those sales is BIG ok~ hahaaha :D
also went to shopping yesterday with the bf :D
lovely and sweet as always ((:

 this is what i got from him yesterday :D
another lazo diamond love shaped earring
which matched with my necklace

 and this too!
a lovely pinky pig with a love shaped birthmark on the butt :D
cute until the max!!! C:
thanks dear :)
 for all these presents 
and also for accompanied me shop all day ((:
*let me know if you are reading this (:*

this is my new necklace from mommy last few weeks (:
totally love it :D

found this song last few days
and i'm addicted with it now :D
it taught me to cherish ((:
feel free please watch k..
the MV is as nice as the song! <3

cheerssss for the rest of the days guys!

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