life is bliss (:

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Monday, October 24, 2011

the 8th month-appreciation

you used to fix every broken pieces of my heart back together again
i remember how you made me feel i can't wait for the coming future
the future that with you inside
i think of a lot of things this few days without you
without texts from you
it wasn't scary that without you anymore
its just i don't want to be without you
 it won't be the same when happiness and sadness come to me
the one i share with is not you again

it was actually all my fault that this relationship come to this
i actually never meant to blame on you
just don't know why it will end this way

swallowing too much our problems
that we couldn't solved
i guess that is why i just burst everything out
i should have know this ending
i hate quarrel
but i'm the one bring it up everytime
because i thought of we should solve it together

i will just put the blame on myself in this
i really wish that i can erase everything
and start all over again
will it be different if i changed my altitude?
i think so

but everything is too late

i miss everything about you
still you're gone
i can't believe that i still want you
and i'm loving you, i never should have walked away
after all the things we've been through
i miss everything about you

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