life is bliss (:

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

outing at SANDAKAN

went to sing with bunch of sandakan's friends last saturday
seriously i had FUN that night! :D
 before we get our room
all of us went to the washroom
and we got out 1st group picha! yayy
p/s: i'm the photographer. harharhar~
i look chubby in the pic isn't it? ):

and we got our room!
lets start singing! :D

also not forgetting to take pictures

with lian lian (:

no idea about why i'm laughing that time
and the one beside me too
she seems so excited LOL

trying to sing my heart out!! ahahhaa :D
and even being kacao kacao
i still sing so well wuahahaaa
*tak malu* :D

my turn to kacao kacao! ehehehee

oh yeah
my cam whoring skills have improved
i can snap 3 people at once :D

not really like groundnuts but actually there got ikan billis inside
i love ikan billis harrharhar~

lian lian and soey~~
*usually i called xiao ai ying* :D

how can they still cam whoring while i sing so well there!!!

with winky

peaceeeee :D

another peace photo with groundnuts lol

now only i found that i got so many pictures with lian lian :D

and this is another group picha of us! ((:

also went for movie last wednesday
watched "the cars" ((:
a little disappointed cause i expect more in that cartoon
but ends with a little bored

ice lemon tea is love
now only i realized sandakan cinema's chairs are so short
only until my neck!!
it makes my neck so tired for the 1 and half hours -.-

especially update my blog for someone in exam!
xyan,as you wished i've updated!!
harhar good luck in exam!

and also good luck to my love one ((:
xoxo! yingying


  1. I also had fun in looking at the photos!macam2 pattern!LMAO!
    So sad tht cnt join u gals,still dealing with law notes T.T
    *Lazy log in,cuttie xyan here XD
