life is bliss (:

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Monday, November 15, 2010

sekinchan day 2

 my 2nd day in Sekinchan (:
actually i didnt went a lot place
but the picture stil lotsss :D
1st thing after i woke up that day was this breakfast (:
actually this plate was belong to man yee 
because i forget to take picture for my own plate
thanks to my tourist guide's mom
the pan mee soup by her mom is sooooooooo delicious man (:

 the 1st place i went on my 2nd day is this place (:

 a river for watering the padi (:
 didn't stayed there for long
after walk2 see2
then we hurried moved to the 2nd destination
because the sky is getting dark :(

this is the 2nd place
i love this sands :D

 pretty huh? ^^
it would be more nice if there is no rubbish around
when i reached there
the 1st thing i saw is rubbish
it is everywhere
it such a waste you know?
we should appreciate and take care of our beaches :(
i love beaches!! <3
the best place to relax (: (:

 rubbish :(

 love to walk at sea side (:

 children are playing with the sands (:
rubbish is everywhere
i think those children will play with trash soon ):


 sea <3

 me and my tourist guide (ah ye) 
thank you bring me to this heaven :D
<3 this place

 peace <3

 one of my favourite picture (:
love the background
the sea is so beautiful <3

thats all for my 2nd day (:

nice day ya!