life is bliss (:

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1st day in Sekinchan

hello guys!
i m back!! haha
actually i've already back kl since sunday
but i still can't blog about it yet
because im so busy with my presentation and test today ><
and finally
the hardest day already pass :D
so, i m here to share my lovely trip (:

i think you all can guess right?
took this picha when i m going to sekinchan (: 

after arrived
start capture capture capture already XD
this is the room of my friend (tourist guide as well) :D
i m the only one sleep on the bed behind for 2 night
i have no idea why they want to sleep on the floor
it is so keras >< 

as i said just now
capture non stop

the 1st place i went when i arrived there was this temple (:
i not so remember what is it called already
but i did "bai shen" there
after so long
i've never been to the temple since chinese new year i think (:

 this is the view of the temple from a tower (:

can you see the view from my sunglasses??(:

the stair of the tower
so steep right?
i m scare
i think i used few minutes to came up and down again =.=

i love this picture
especially the background with a little sunlight around (: 

and of course this one too (:
i found a cutie little window there

the view of outside the window (:

the tower :D
nice huh? 

 and this is the top of the temple ^^


sunset :)


 the view under my sunglasses (:

i found a bicycle
i <3 biking!!! :D

 little bunny pig (:

 during night
we went for seafood!!! X)
seafood there is much cheaper than in kl and even sabah

i love this shrimp
it is called "lai liu har" in cantonese
the 1st bite already make me crazy with it XD
<3 it so much
thats all for my 1st day over there (:
i will continue for the 2nd and 3rd day too
so, stay tuned ya~! (:

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