life is bliss (:

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

20.10.2010 (:

 a special date! (:
 so i went out for dinner
because i don't have my "special one"
have to pass this special date with friend (:
when i ss in my hostel toilet~ haha

 i know
i look so pale in this photo right? ):
this is how i look like when i have no make up
big eye bags and serious dark circle ): 
AND a lot more scars ):
please tell me how to make all these gone??! >.< 

 the view from my hostel from third floor (:
i love to stand and walk around there whenever i m bored and free (:

actually that time is at around late evening
not that bright actually
is because i have add some effect on it (:
kinda good feel right? ^^

 this too.. (:

 kinda love this picha
because of the background
"endless road" :D

 so ugly! ahaha
just had a feeling to make a ugly face :D

don't mess with me! 

blue nails :D

that's all for my day (:

actually i have more photo
but the stupid uploader doesn't allow me to upload ):
so i will just share again some other time k? (:

good night
have a nice day (:


  1. just apply cleanser, toner, and More Moisturizer with enough sleep and drink MANY MANY MANY WATER!!!!!!!

  2. LOL...thanks for the advise....btw...all u said i m using now.... except the water..hahaha....i wil try....thank you thank you~!
