life is bliss (:

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Monday, October 18, 2010

catina day~ =D

first of all
i'm sorry for let my blog died for so long
catina kl trip
i think this should be post around 2 weeks ago
but i m really too lazy and busy too ><
actually all these photo i've already uploaded to my facebook :D
enjoy the picha ya~
 we are in toilet bowl restaurant that day
the design of that restaurant is nice
(disgusting enough i think) haha
but the food there is just so so 

steal steal taken by me =D

 then she realized and told me:
"your photo won't be nice without me"

 i love <3 this doll ><

 is catina chia yi ching!!! (:
she is getting fat
i think she is really happy with her life at kk (:
 happy for her :D

 yuck? haha

 nice looking donut
but actually that is a cake
and not that delicious as i thought ><

that's all for today
good night!~

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