gonna hold on my cny holiday posts 1st for this!
will continue after this post (:
7 april 2011
the new close friend's birthday ((:
i usually called her "miaw" :D
we went to FRIDAYS at the curve for dinner
*after choose for sooooo long about what to eat** >.<
the new april baby in my friends list =]
my shrimp and chicken diablo ((:
hot chocolate is love on that night <3
stay away from ME! >.<
me and miaw ((:
kinda love this photo!
noob bestie!
hate her expression
ahaha :DD
love this too! ((:
a group picture after the dinner ((:
friendship forever ladies! :DD
after the dinner we walked around at the curve
nice decoration over there (:
sexy back!!! weee ((:
i have no idea why i'm doing this
they asked me to act as "mak cik biryani"
i just do it and got captured :DD
*obviously i'm much prettier and younger kan??:D**
we were in the "kitchen" ((:
i managed to fit into this mini toy car!!!
unbelievable** :D
*clap clap clap*
miaw and her "friend"
after walked around
we went chocolate lounge because of this! :D
*actually is because of i want this** hehe ((:
chocolate steamboat the BEST! :D
*will go for this again for sure** ((:
chocolate is like every girls favourite! <3
the most important and special part of the night! (:
isn't it pretty??? =]
you can lick every words on the plate
because it is written with chocolate! <3
wishes oso the important part! ((:
this is like the 3rd time she make wishes and blown candle?
*envy** :D
going to end this post with this group photo of us ((:
finally the exam had over! (:
will be going back to hometown on 20 april
once again!
happy holiday to me and everyone of U :DD
*finger cross* (:
question of the day:
how to love but don't need? (:
do you get me? ((:
it sounds so hard :S
have a nice day
xoxo ying