life is bliss (:

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

holidaysss of CNY

i know its a little bit late for me to share my CNY holiday during in sandakan now
so i'll just share the picture took 
because pictures told everything ((:

the first day i back my hometown,sandakan
dear vicki's birthday celebration (:
go there once i arrived Sandakan =]

 its been months i didn't see her!
seriously miss her soooo much!! ((:

 the next one will be the birthday of one of my bestie during in Sandakan!
the best hang out friend ever! ((:
'lian lian' :D

the 1st suprise!
handmade cupcake by us! ((:

on the BIG day ((:
this is the one! =]

 a handmade mango cake by US as well! :))
we did a good job!
*although it didn't look nice,but it do taste awesome! aha**

 the DJ of the club!
i requested everyone sing a birthday song with her! ((:
we did SUPRISED her! :D

 there are fresh mango slice in every single layer and top of the cake! :DD
can you imagine how it's taste? ((:

 time for me! ((:
took lots of pic with the OLD friends !

 i don't want the number of two in my AGE!!!

a little drunk that time 
that is all for today!
 have a nice day guys! ((:
cheers! xox

ciaosss!! :D

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