life is bliss (:

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10-01-2010 =20th mimi

 finally i've finished my exam :D
*totally excited*
because it is time for shopping 
<3 time for gather with my lovely family <3
i miss my mom,my dad,and my stupid brother of course =]

lets back to today's topic (:
winky's birthday celebration<3

a night before her birthday 
we have been preparing this birthday cake to give her a little surprise (:
when it is almost 12am
we managed to delivered the birthday cake 
with a birthday song along together to her! :D
she is so so so suprise! (:
and i like that surprise expression from her
haha :D
ta daaa~! this is the cake (:

her excited face! :D

 and one family photo :D 
*warm* :))

what i got for her birthday present (:
a simple wallet :D
*i like it actually*<3

that is how we count down her birthday
and lastly
3 of us end with insomnia UNTIL 5am in the morning @@
*due to too excited* :D haha

decided to celebrate her birthday at sunway pyramid (:
on the way :D 

 they are doing some stupid action again =.=
eating 'BAO" in sunway pyramid >.<
then went to vincci
to change her shoes because we bought wrong size for her XD
the sharp blue colour one
saw it?
that is what manyee bought for her :D

 (: (:

 i found "lua sook sean" in sunway  pyramid XD

 after considering for a very very long time
we decided to go for skating!!!=.=
that is really NOT a good idea to ME :S

look nice huh?
but once i step on the ice 
*imagine yourself la*
don't want to mentioned already

 after shopping and finish the stupid skating =.="
we went for steamboat! woo hoo~~!
there is been a long time
i've never touch steamboat (:

 my favourite! <3
i went so far to sunway pyramid is because of THIS
can't believed huh? :D


i should not blog this in the middle of the night!
now i m hungry when i see this picha!!! :S

 finally we felt full and stopped eating

 i like that bear ): ):
it is cute!<3

 yang ni muka tak SYOK :D

 do i looked nerd with this spec?? =]

i like this pic
but it looked blur~ :S

 finally she is 'down
this is all YOUR fault!!!
*i mean the stupid skating** :D

this is how i past 10 jan 2011 (:
this is a very good start of our relationship!
although she've been my classmate since primary school
but it take some time to live with someone new too
right?? (: (:
hope she'll be satisfied to her 20th birthday :D
and lastly
i'm going back home tomorrow! (:
hope i'll really enjoy my holidays (:

happy holidays!!! ciaos~

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