life is bliss (:

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

meet up (:

went for little ns gathering again (:
didn't took lot of picture
but i really have some fun that day (:
i've met a few ns friends that i didn't see them for quite a long time
that is my bestie in ns connie
and another one is sook mei (:

sorry for this pic
taken by connie :D

 i like this the most!
group picture :D

and lastly my dear (:
i miss her a lot
i miss the time during in ns with her
always took care of me (:
i do appreciate that <3
i hope our relationship was as close as before
but its hard
things had changed now
we all have our own life ):
am i the only one feel this way?
i wonder

but anyway
at least now we can meet once awhile right? (:
i'm waiting for our next gathering =]
hope it won't be long :D
miss ya~ XoXo

good night! <3

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